Navigator Blog

It’s time to cut through the noise. How do you rise above the competing voices, infinite information, and endless options? You need an aerial view.

Join us as we share industry insights and best practices to help travel buyers become smarter; tips and tricks to make the business travel life a little easier; and ways to make that well-earned vacation unforgettable. No matter what your goal is, we’re here to help you navigate your way.

How to Write Your Bucket List

There are many different ways to write a bucket list. In all honesty, just do what feels right for you. What has worked for you in the past when you have tried to compile a list of destinations you... Continue reading

Wellness on the Road: Staying Healthy When Traveling for Business

Travelers usually spend so much time sitting - on a flight or behind the wheel of a rental car - and yet travel can leave them feeling completely worn out. The truth is that dehydration, unhealthy... Continue reading

5 Tips for Traveling Light on Extended Business Trips

When you travel for work, you have to pack light. Doing so will make it easier to get through airline security, and you won't have to worry about lugging a heavy suitcase between presentations, meals... Continue reading

How Travelers Can Save Money on a Business Trip with Mobile Solutions

Controlling costs can be a real challenge for road warriors, but mobile solutions give travelers the tools they need to simplify spending on business trips. These four features can promote efficiency... Continue reading

5 Tips for Traveling During the Holidays

The end of the year is a popular travel time for visiting friends and family. According to predictions from AAA, more than 107 million Americans will travel in the last week of December this year.... Continue reading

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