Navigator Blog

It’s time to cut through the noise. How do you rise above the competing voices, infinite information, and endless options? You need an aerial view.

Join us as we share industry insights and best practices to help travel buyers become smarter; tips and tricks to make the business travel life a little easier; and ways to make that well-earned vacation unforgettable. No matter what your goal is, we’re here to help you navigate your way.

Top Takeaways for Owning and Controlling Your Travel Program

Ask any travel manager about their confidence level in predicting and planning travel throughout the pandemic and you will hear stories of the stops and starts that have plagued business the past two... Continue reading

Shifting into Focus: 2022 Business Travel Forecast

Like the temporary blur of a camera lens before it shifts into focus, the picture ahead for business travel in 2022 appears to be sharpening into a clear view despite a hazy start to the New Year. Continue reading

The Top Business Travel Articles of 2021

For all its many stops and starts, 2021 brought with it rapid growth for corporate travel, continued resilience in the face of uncertainty, and robust planning for the future. Continue reading

Everything You Need to Know as the U.S. Borders Reopen

12/2 UPDATE: This blog post has been updated to reflect newly announced changes to COVID-19 testing requirements. First Europe, then Canada, and now the United States: After more than a year and a... Continue reading

How Policy Compliance Impacts Today's Travelers

What does it look like for today’s travelers returning to the road? That’s the question SAP Concur hopes to answer with its new 3-part podcast series, Tarmac Warriors. Each episode takes an in depth... Continue reading

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