Navigator Blog

It’s time to cut through the noise. How do you rise above the competing voices, infinite information, and endless options? You need an aerial view.

Join us as we share industry insights and best practices to help travel buyers become smarter; tips and tricks to make the business travel life a little easier; and ways to make that well-earned vacation unforgettable. No matter what your goal is, we’re here to help you navigate your way.

Mitigating Uncertainty through a Strong Travel Policy & TMC Partner

The pandemic has forced even the most nimble of businesses to rethink long-established policies and shift priorities at a moment’s notice. In fact, an outstanding 96 percent of employees surveyed by... Continue reading

Why Now is the Right Time to Implement Rate Assurance

Making investments in your corporate travel program can be a challenging line item to tackle in your 2021 budget proposal. Business travel is still recovering from its earlier pandemic lows, and... Continue reading

Creating Winning Results Through Hotel Partnerships

For most C-suite executives and travel managers, the pandemic has revealed the importance behind the systems and partnerships that keep their corporate travel program running. From unused ticket... Continue reading

How to Get the Most Out of Attending Virtual Events

It’s the annual convention you look forward to attending every year, but this time, the event destination is wherever you plug in your computer. Continue reading

Measuring Your Travel Program’s ROI

Your travel program has a direct impact on your company’s bottom line, so it’s essential that travel managers, travel buyers, procurement, and finance understand its effectiveness. While it may be... Continue reading

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