Navigator Blog

It’s time to cut through the noise. How do you rise above the competing voices, infinite information, and endless options? You need an aerial view.

Join us as we share industry insights and best practices to help travel buyers become smarter; tips and tricks to make the business travel life a little easier; and ways to make that well-earned vacation unforgettable. No matter what your goal is, we’re here to help you navigate your way.

Avoid Burnout by Reducing Traveler Friction in 4 Easy Steps

In the business world, the doors open around 8:00 a.m. and close around 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. While many employees head home to enjoy the weekend, a handful of employees are stuck on the... Continue reading

Virtual Payments: Prepare Your Travel Program for a Digital Future

We have all heard about how virtual cards are going to take the corporate travel industry by storm. They have been the topic of many conversations, featured in many publications and one of the key... Continue reading