Navigator Blog

It’s time to cut through the noise. How do you rise above the competing voices, infinite information, and endless options? You need an aerial view.

Join us as we share industry insights and best practices to help travel buyers become smarter; tips and tricks to make the business travel life a little easier; and ways to make that well-earned vacation unforgettable. No matter what your goal is, we’re here to help you navigate your way.

Making Your Travel a Driver for Business Growth in 2021

“Revenues for nearly half of small and mid-market businesses have declined by up to 25 percent in the aftermath of 2020” -Wall Street Journal/Vistage Report After the far-reaching disruption caused... Continue reading

A New Road Ahead: 2021 Business Travel Forecast

It’s a new road ahead for corporate travel in 2021. Thanks in part to the global distribution of vaccines, continued rollout of rapid testing, and the introduction of digital health passports. many... Continue reading

Top Business Travel Navigator Blog Articles of 2020

Whether you call it a year to remember or a year to forget, 2020 has distinguished itself as a true exercise in crisis management and prolonged recovery against the backdrop of a shifting corporate... Continue reading

Start Small, Think Big: Ways to Give Back this Season

The challenges of 2020 have led to an eager anticipation for a fresh start in the New Year. Before turning the page though, this holiday season presents an opportunity to recharge, reflect, and give... Continue reading

6 Reasons You Need a Travel Management Company

For small businesses and global companies alike, the corporate travel landscape has never shifted so much in such a short period of time. In fact, an astounding 96 percent of travel managers surveyed... Continue reading