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Join Us in Pursuit of the Perfect Trip!

Visit booth #2210 at GBTA in Atlanta to see how our team is working to create The Perfect Trip under the leadership of Direct Travel CEO Christal Bemont and Executive Chairman Steve Singh. In addition to grand prize giveaways and personalized swag, we'll be providing a first look at our next-generation technology solution that makes booking and managing the travel experience easier for your travelers and better for your business. See you there!


While you're at the booth, enjoy...


coffee creations


 A glass of red
or white wine


Your custom-embossed luggage tag and DT pin

After Party Reception at the
Georgia Aquarium

Join the Direct Travel team for an exclusive reception at The Georgia Aquarium during GBTA Atlanta as we take a deep dive into the future of travel.

Put on your silent disco headphones and share your dance moves with some of the most playful and captivating residents of the aquarium: beluga whales! This unique, sensory experience is an intimate and engaging way to explore the aquatic world like you never have before. #BelugaPalooza

If interested, please reach out to our team
for more information:

Join Us

Big Splash Landing Page


Direct Travel Education Sessions

Valuing Beyond Contract Value: Maximizing Your Travel Program 

Room B406, July 23 @ 9:15 a.m. ET

This session is for professionals in charge of creating travel policy and will delve into the travel policy perks buyers can get from vendors. Joining our client and longtime partners at Delta Air Lines, Direct Travel's Senior Account Manager Michelle O'Donnell will share real-world examples of “going beyond rate” when negotiating vendor contracts for company business policy.

GBTA Educational Session

Direct ATPI Halo - Light


Go Green with Direct ATPI Halo

Introducing Direct ATPI Halo, a CO2 measurement, reduction, and offset service designed by travel management experts. Empowering your organization by offering maximum choice and total transparency, Direct ATPI Halo works with world-leading offsetting projects to support your travel program in building sustainable solutions that are effective and easy to align with your corporate goals.